Bodymapping Acupuncture Technique is an advanced acupuncture style that is drawn from the Master Tung acupuncture tradition. This technique uses the body's own anatomy to map new relationships for pain and stagnant conditions. The points are highly effective for pain treatment with near immediate results. Discover new points and how to needle them effectively!
About the Author:
Cole started learning holistic medicine in 1991. He studied with doctors from a variety of medical traditions including Chinese, Korean, Ayurvedic and Himalayan while traveling around the world. He graduated from The Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in 1997. He has worked in a busy public health clinic, private practice, and volunteer clinics refining and using the Bodymapping Acupuncture Technique during the last 20 years. He was faculty at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine for 6 years and served as Clinic Supervisor, Herbal Dispensary Manager, and Teaching Faculty, sharing his unique style of Acupuncture. He holds a certificate in plant based nutrition from the Center for Nutrition Studies at Cornell University. He teaches seminars and gives lectures on Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and nutrition around the world. He is currently in private practice in Portland, Oregon.
This book is a culmination of 20 years of study and experience with the distal point method of acupuncture. There are correlations explained here that are useful for any bodyworker or therapist. The body of the text will go into detail about the most effective or easiest treatment for the particular tissue, and will have explanations of favorite techniques and points. I believe this work to be a part of the continuing understanding of how the body functions and how it maps relations and correlations.
Product Details:
ISBN-10: 0692836632
ISBN-13: 978-0692836637
Publisher: Alcmag Inc (January 22, 2017)